Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hot Cocoa and Snowmen and Blizzards, Oh My!

Alright.  Who upset the Almighty Weatherman?  It is seriously cold in my neighborhood.  My plan so far is to stay inside, where it's warm, and drink lots of hot cocoa.  In fact, I've had so much already that I'm starting to feel sick.  But that's probably because I've neglected to eat any real food.  My brilliant master plan was to reduce the amount of food that I eat so that I'll have lots of extra space on Thanksgiving.  However, I just realized that if I eat less, my stomach will shrink.  That means that I won't be able to eat as much!  So what I really should have been doing for the past couple of weeks was stuffing myself a little more every day...  I think I'm gonna have to go back to the drawing board and come up with another brilliant master plan to make up for the last one.

On another note, take a look at project two!  Isn't she a beauty?  I started this project last night, and it's a pretty easy pattern.  It'll end up being a baby blanket for a friend of mine.  Unfortunately, I started it with the wrong size of hook.  The one I'm using is too small to fit the original gauge.  So, I'm either going to have to add a few extra rows, or just improvise at the end.  I'll have to wait and see how small in comparison that it turns out.

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