Thursday, November 25, 2010

My Dad Shot the Thanksgiving Turkey

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!  Hooray for Turkey Day!  I am so grateful that I live at home and can have Thanksgiving with my family and friends.  The best part of Thanksgiving is not the food, it's being with family.  Our house was full this Thanksgiving and it was the most glorious feeling.  We had lots of good food and lots of good laughs. 

Of course, I need to take a moment and list a few things that I'm thankful for.  I'm so grateful that I get to go to college.  My semester is almost up and then, hopefully, I'll be thankful if I can find a job.  My family is awesome to say the least.  I don't just mean my immediate family, my extended family is just as incredible.  I'm so thankful that I live in America.  I love my country.  I love looking at the snow, though walking around in it isn't so fun.  A great big thank you to my amazing writer buddy: you know who you are XD

I finally finished the baby blanket today.  Hooray!  There's another thing to be thankful for.  I finished early, so I can give my fingers a rest for the remainder of the week.  I didn't end up adding an extra border to make it bigger, because it ended up about the right size.  Fortunately using a smaller hook didn't make as big a difference as I was afraid it would.  In any case, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. 

Unfortunately, I'm not going to be getting any new yarn until I get a job and can buy it myself.  That being the case, I'll be finishing up some old projects over the next couple of weeks.  On the bright side, however, that means that I won't bite off more than I can chew for the last couple weeks of school.  And I'll be able to give away a few long overdue Christmas presents. :)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hot Cocoa and Snowmen and Blizzards, Oh My!

Alright.  Who upset the Almighty Weatherman?  It is seriously cold in my neighborhood.  My plan so far is to stay inside, where it's warm, and drink lots of hot cocoa.  In fact, I've had so much already that I'm starting to feel sick.  But that's probably because I've neglected to eat any real food.  My brilliant master plan was to reduce the amount of food that I eat so that I'll have lots of extra space on Thanksgiving.  However, I just realized that if I eat less, my stomach will shrink.  That means that I won't be able to eat as much!  So what I really should have been doing for the past couple of weeks was stuffing myself a little more every day...  I think I'm gonna have to go back to the drawing board and come up with another brilliant master plan to make up for the last one.

On another note, take a look at project two!  Isn't she a beauty?  I started this project last night, and it's a pretty easy pattern.  It'll end up being a baby blanket for a friend of mine.  Unfortunately, I started it with the wrong size of hook.  The one I'm using is too small to fit the original gauge.  So, I'm either going to have to add a few extra rows, or just improvise at the end.  I'll have to wait and see how small in comparison that it turns out.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Project One!

BTW: This is the post for Saturday, Nov. 20.  I didn't get the chance to put it up, so here it is for today.

Weather update for the day: it's cold.  Very very cold.  I can guarantee that I'm going to move somewhere very warm as soon as I graduate from college.  Speaking of which, my current plan is to switch my major over to horticulture, get an AAS in Floral Design, and graduate in three more semesters.  I love going to college, but I'm ready to just be done.  So, I picked the quickest way out and you can all come to me for your wedding bouquets. 

As of right now, I'm on Thanksgiving break.  Hooray!  I'm sooooo thankful for a week long break from school!  Maybe I'll finally have time to clean my room.  I can tell you right now that it badly needs it.  :)

So, anyway, here is the completed doily.  Well, almost completed anyway.  As you can see, it's still ruffling a little bit.  I'm going to try washing and blocking it tomorrow and see how that goes.  I'm pretty proud of it, though.  I think it went fairly well.  Despite thread burn on my fingers and achy hands, I am completely satisfied.  One project down, limitless more to go.  Yay!  I feel like I'm getting somewhere.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Welcome to the Blog!

I suppose this post will be an introduction of myself and of Project Crow.  My name is Olivia, and I'm an avid crochet-er.  My grandma taught me to crochet when I was little, and I've been working at improving my skills ever since.  Project Crow came about because sometimes I need a little motivation to work on the crocheting projects that I have on hand.  Project Crow is an attempt to motivate myself a little further.  I'll also be using this blog to keep friends and family updated on what I'm doing.

I live on an iceburg. It's cold, to say the least.  I can say that the snow is slowly melting off, though.  I'm kinda getting my hopes up that we will have a green Thanksgiving, but with my luck I'll be waking up to a blizzard Thanksgiving morning.  Oh well, at least I won't have to worry about not having a white Christmas :)  That's a relief.

Below is a project that I actually started a while ago, but it's been on the back burner for a few weeks.  This is the first of many doilies.  I found that it's a lot more difficult than crocheting blankets, simply because I'm not used to dealing with a much smaller hook.  However, it's been surprisingly fun, and I look forward to working on similar projects in the future.  As of yet, this one is unfinished, but I have a goal to be done by the end of the week.